28 February 2019

Bury it and rise above

Hello again.

Told myself when I closed this sometime in 2011 that I'll be back again to read and laugh at how immature I was. Haven't had a chance or any desire to do that really. Until now that is.

And what a bad idea that was. Good grief. The teenage angst was real. Imagine if a potential employer googled my name and read all those posts *shudders*

So. Anyway. Recently met somebody who inspired me to pick up writing again. I found myself staring at the New Post button and before I knew it, here we are again. Paragraphs of word flowing out (welllllll, I sorta cheated - this post was written around another half written entry from around the time I took down the original posts).

But whatever. With the advent of social media, no one is gonna read all this anyway. It's pretty liberating in a way, being able to put my thoughts down somewhere without being worried about filtering it for the social media crowd.

There has been a huge gap between when I stopped posting and now, so future posts might cover anything from the past (Poly/NCC/Army Daze) to the present (post-Army/pre-U, current University and job hunt woes) Also got a bunch of half written posts somewhere on my notes application. Rants, emotional stuff, reflections, there's something for everyone!

This serves as a catch up for the benefit of my imaginary readers, as well as a reminder for myself. For a future Terry to reminisce and remember what my feelings were at some point in time.

Gonna be some work to do though (housekeeping of the headers, links and whathaveyou) But there's no hurry. Let's take it slow with this project. But not so slow that nothing ever comes about from this project [cry-laughing emoji]

(Oh shit, it's just gonna be the same old cringy Terry but with 2019 pop culture references, isn't it?)

(But okay lah, this is a way healthier outlet for procrastination than gaming or TV binges)